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Premiered: MC Composers in Concert April 8, 2008 Montgomery College Rockville MD
[Def] Noun- In English folkfore, a period of fine, clam weather, similar to an Indian summer, occurring in November.
Autumn and the iconic sounds, cognitive impressions and feelings associated with the season are what I hoped to capture in this digital concrete work. To create an autumnal atmosphere, I felt a need to take the listeners from the normal sonic world of "indooors" and transport them into a sonic realm that was more indicative of a random and less regular "outdoor" environment. I used randomized algorithms to sonically represent the warmth of a St. Martin's Summer and the randomness of the "outdoor" world.
Premiered: Union Gallery, Bowling Green, Ohio.
This work was designed to be played in a gallery and is what I call environmental piece. There are moments of "music," but mostly the work creates an environment. This ranges from a noisy construction site in Hartford, CT to the quiet trickling of water in a stopbath at a photo lab. This piece is truly about quiet moments and places that replenish and prepare us for the day-to-day.
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Premiered: June in Buffalo 2004, Buffalo, New York, June 1, 2004.
In our world there exists a contradiction. Though we are reliant on machines and the scientific mind-set it brings, we also believe in spirituality and emotions. Manufactured Meditation is about our need for both and more importantly, suggests a natural integration of the two.
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Premiered: Imagine 2 Festival, Memphis, TN, Nov 12, 2004
The harmonics and rhythmic material in the piece is a summing of iconic gestures associated with the popular sub-rock category Metal and my own compositional voice. Because of the duality, I felt the resultant aesthetic of the piece is neither particularly metal nor indicative of my own style. Perhaps I've started a new sub-genre of metal within the genre of rock. One might state that at its core, this piece is about the post-modernist proliferation of context and genre. But mostly its about two performers banging away at the keys.