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The C.L.E.A.R. Lab


Designed, organized, & built the C.L.E.A.R. Laboratory recording studio for the Department of Music Technology.


Determined essential equipment needed for the Lab: SSL Mixing Console and Phantom Focus Monitoring System.


Identified the needs of the department and worked with world-class studio designer, Carl Tatz. Wrote sizable grant to cover construction and design costs.


Oversaw the entire process from design, construction, and final implementation of the lab and its use as a classroom.



Technology Committee Chair , Fall 2017-Current

       Chair for technology planning and vision.


Music Technology Dept. Curriculum Committee, Fall 2015-Present

       Committee member to redesign core technology classes


 Graduate Faculty Committee, Fall 2016-Present

       Committee member to redesign core technology course and

       refine doctoral process



Listening Night

Dr. Doug Bielmeier & Match Records PRESENTS! A project arm of the organization that stages various programs including showcases, talent contests, student events, and the Department of Recording Industry’s “Listening Night” where outstanding studio performances are featured - a big night each semester.



  MTSU Faculty Development Grant Committee, Fall 2013-2015

        Voting member to allocate funding for potential faculty development grants


  MTSU Thomas T Hall Committee, Fall 2013-2015

         Aim to invite high profile professionals to visit campus and speak with students

         formally and in the classroom.


  MTSU MFA Advisory Committee, Fall 2013-2015

         Full voting member.


  MTSU Student Technology Fee Committee, Spring 2014

          Participated in discussions and survey design/implementation.


   MTSU MFA Review, Spring 2013 

          Helped compile graduate faculty information and achievements for inclusion in the MFA review report.




​In 2010, I was selected to be chair of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Committee for the Art Institute of Washington (AIW). The QEP's aim was to enhance teaching methods and strategies throughout AIW and focused on teamwork. I held instructional meetings for all faculty and created positive change throughout the institution. Below are activities I designed and directed as part of faculty, student and staff development events.


AIW QEP Faculty Development Program

   Administration Day Teamwork Two-Day Event

   September 28, 2011 & January 12, 2012

   In collaboration with Digital Film Making & Video Production Department (See Video Below)


Event incorporated the use of teamwork to create short video commercials for teamwork topics such as: communication, collaboration, delegation, leadership, compromise, time management, sensitivity, productivity, effective membership, and replication.

Agenda for Day 1                                           Agenda for Day 2

​  1. Brainstorm an idea                                  1. Create a final production plan

​  2. Create a script/storyboard                       2. Edit final films

​  3. Present idea to fellow faculty​                   3. Present shorts

  4. Plan and film video short                         4. Reflect on your teamwork skills

Check out the assessment tool we used below. Watch me sleep in class!



QEP AIW All School Presentation

September 23, 2011


"First Year Experience" and "Second Year Experience" student groups teamed up with the QEP for week-long series of activities that combined student engagement initiatives and teamwork.


Events included:

Creative Minds Festival

Held at the Rosslyn Space in downtown Arlington, the festival involved students presenting their work to the public and fellow students. A live DJ set up an atmosphere for the students to come and socialize and view their fellow classmates' work. Food and live music from the Audio Department was included to create an "art fair" experience.


Scavenger Hunt

This team-based event had teams of AIW students collect items from the local community to help foster teamwork and develop new friendships.

Video Game Tournament

Using the cooperative and team-based modes in Halo, a team-based video game tournament engaged our numerous students from game art and design.

Audio & Video Mixer

This event was an Informal mixer for audio and video students to pitch their projects and form relationships for collaboration.




QEP AIW Staff Development Events

Cooking Based Team-Building Event

December 19, 2011

As QEP chair, I organized a staff-oriented cooking team-building event. Staff worked in small groups to prepare each dish to complete a day's menu. Staff worked as a kitchen to finish the meal on time in a safe and productive manner.


How Staff Used Teamwork at AIW

  Within their departments, staff helped students with their financial, technical, and admissions

  needs. The staff also worked as a  larger support group to achieve and maintain the financial, technical

  and mental environment for the entire school.

   * Encouraged multidisciplinary work where teams cut across organizational divides.

   * Fostered flexibility and responsiveness, especially the ability to respond to change.

   * Promoted the sense of achievement, equity and camaraderie essential for a motivated workplace.


  * QEP Introduction

  * Chef Introduction

  * Cooking a meal

  * Lunch

  * QEP Wrap-up/Discussion

  * QEP Survey

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