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Gear and Specs



Computer Mac Pro 2.66GHz Quad-Core

32gb Ram (4 x 8gb)

Boot Drive 1tb

RecordDrive1 638gb, RecordDrive2 638gb



Ableton Live 9, CueMix FX, Max, ProTools (API EQs, Ableton ReWire,

iZotope [Alloy2, Break Tweaker, Insight, Iris2, Nectar2, Ozone7, RX5,

Stutter, Trash2], Waves Gold), Saffire MixControl.


Outboard Gear

Art ProChannel II, Avid Pro Tools Eleven Rack, BBE - 482i Sonic

Maximizer (3), Behringer multicom pro xl mdx4600, Behringer

Ultragraph Pro Eq, DBX 266XL Compressor/Gate, Focusrite Liquid

Saffire 56 Audio Interface, Focusrite RedNet 2 Interface, Hairball

Audio - Analog Fet/500 Compressors (8), Motu - 24Ai, Motu - 24Ao

PhantomFocus NE4400 4x4 Processor.



AKG c414 XLS, AKG D112, Audio Technica at-822, Audio Technica

HighEnergy Dynamics (2), Earthworks QTC40 (Pair),M MXL 4000,

Neumann KM-184 Cardioid (Pair), Royer R-101, Sure SM57 Dynamic

(2), Sure SM7B, Sennheiser MD-421(3),

monitoring systems PhantomFocus System, Mackie Monitors



XLR 8 CLEAR Lab, Some other

Mic Stands On-stage w/ Boom (8)

Monitor Stands On-Stage (2)

Headphones Direct Sound EX-25 Isolation Headphones (4)

Headphone Amplifier Henry Engineering Multiphone Minipod (7)

© Doug Bielmeier

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